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How To Calculate BL Date For Draft Payment

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:11 pm
by honey
lc requires 1000mt to be shipped from chennai(pol) to dubai (pod) and calls for bl

one bl issued at chennai port on 12th march 2009 for 700 mt cargo in a container with vessel no mz-123.

same ship reached to mumbai port and second bl issued at mumbai port on 14 th march 2009 for 300 mt cargo in a container by showing vessel no as mz-567 including 700 mt cargo carried by vessel no :mz-123

shipment reached ( total 1000mt) to dubai port at a time as per schedule in vessel mz-567

in this case how can we calculate bl date. if draft is payble after 30 days bl date which date should be taken for maturity date?

how can we find whether partial or transhipment effected according to bl submitted

pls guide me and all opinions are welcome

not clear

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:24 pm
by jmitra
your question is not clear.

first of all its the vessel name which is important and not the vessel no. so tell us what was shown as vessel name. it must be same as you said its the same vessel.

one bill of lading was issued on 12th and another was on 14th. right? is it two BL or one. how did u present them? separate or together. was there draft?